Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stupid People

I love stupid people. I fucking love love love stupid people. You know why? Because they’re fucking stupid. Plain and simple, stupid=funny. Today’s edition will be a look at my senior year of high school and me making fun of the sophomores. I don’t know why but for some reason they’re a bottomless pit of idiot.

I’ll first explore the world of idiot of which I will be trying to help you observe. If I don’t explain the people, their level of moron could be so ridiculous that your balls fall off. Assuming you’re a male. If not… I don’t know why you’re reading my blog, it’s about me complaining about shit. That’s a guy thing. But anywho, onto the special children.

The idiots of which I speak include the following: wannabe scene girls, faggots, asshats, jocks, skanks, sluts, pricks, weed smoking ass fucks (I don’t hate all people who smoke weed, just these kids are goddamn obnoxious about it “yeahhhh dude you want some weed? You don’t, what are you a pussy?” No you dip shit, there’s this thing called I don’t wanna. Nothing more than that, just don’t wanna. Like I do want your house to burn down, but I don’t wanna do it myself. Queer.) I get off topic easily. Sorry. Not really. Where was I? Right, so they’re pretty much ALL as stupid as can be and think they’re sooooo awesome. Because apparently liking dicks in their mouths is cool or something.

I will now tell you the first day of my senior year. It was pretty much just making fun of sophomores and doing nothing in class. Which is a great day, by the way. You don’t even know.

Scenario 1: My friends and I are sitting in the cafeteria, also known as the breeding grounds of retards (Sophomores. Sophomores everywhere.), and we’re enjoying our lunchtime not really doing anything. We have an open seat because we pretty much have our own group and don’t want random people to come and bother us. Because random people suck. Anyway, so some random sophomore chick comes up and steals a chair. My junior year, the cute senior girls would come to my table for a chair and they’d ASK if they could take a chair. And after I was done flirting with them they could take the chair. They knew their manners. This little sophomore whore comes up and goes (this is in a snotty bitch voice) “I don’t care who’s sitting here, I’m taking this chair”. My immediate, out loud response to the girl: “CUNT”. Now all my friends acknowledge her as “the cunt girl”. Good name for her.

Scenario 2: I’m in my sixth period class and we aren’t doing anything strenuous in the least. We’re opening photoshop. Like legit, that’s what we were doing. The sophomores were too stupid to do what the teacher said. I don’t know how people can be that stupid. “WHAT DOUBLE CLICK ON THE PHOTOSHOP ICON ON THE FUCKING DESKTOP? NO THAT’S DUMB, THAT COULDN’T POSSIBLY WORK.” So the teacher says “Everyone’s screen should look like mine” and she was looking towards the group of sophomores in the back. Clearly she knew they were retards as well as everyone else in the school. Then she once more says, louder, “Everyone’s screen should look like mine”. I turn to her and go “Hey, remember, they’re sophomores. Use tiiiiiiiiiiny words.” She couldn’t help but laugh and the sophomores were too dumb to know I was calling them stupid.

Scenario 3(My personal favorite): There’s some kid throwing his Biology book on a wooden bench over and over again. Just picking it up and letting it drop onto it. Over. And. Over. Again. Then this random sophomore girl looks at him and is laughing because I guess he was the “funny guy” in their group (because we all know dropping books is funny shit) and she goes “What are you doing?” and I, with my super quick douche bag response ability, answer her question before he does; I go “HE’S BEING A FAGGOT”.

There’s a 99.785% chance that I’ll make another post on stupid people. There are a lot of them after all.

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