Monday, September 6, 2010

Glow Stick War

This game is simple and amazing. One could say it's "simply amazing". Yeah, bad jokes, get over it. What you need: glow sticks, friends, a large field or playing area (you could do it in a house or similair structure if you wanted to), friends who don't cheat at games. It's better to also have thin clothes on. Or be naked. Whatever our friends are comfortable with.

 Just go to the dollar store or any random grocery store that sells packags of glow sticks. Divide the glow sticks evenly amongst everyone. Get every standing back to back in the middle of the playing field and take ten (or whatever you want number of) steps and then turn. Now it's a free for all. You throw the glow sticks at each other, they hit you and you're dead. Glow sticks are oddly aerodinamic and are like fricken kunai knifes. Shit's so epic. You can even use the little joiner things and put two together into a halo shape and throw those frisbee style.

Now you may be asking "why not just throw sticks at each other or something of a similair shape?", my rebuttal "shut up." If you don't already understand why it's awesome then I'm scared you may have a small problem with darwinism... sorry, you may have to die off for the better of the human race. Din't have kids either. We don't want your genes. Why Glow Stick Wars is legit: YOU THROW AROUND GLOWSTICKS IN THE DARK. How is that NOT fun?? The best strategy is to just dodge all the glowsticks and pick them up so you have a shit ton of em and then go and throw a rainbow death blast of glowing awesomeness at someones face.

Also, I made sure to not mention the word "dark" until the last paragraph because I assume it's implied that using glow sticks requires darkness for full effect. But then I decided to mention it in case someone who's a bit slow found this and couldn't figure it out themselves. Takin precautions.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post with usefull information! I hope you write more on this subject! I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. stick war hacked
